Day 64 8/13/19

Bucksport, ME to Bar Harbor, Me; 46 miles, mostly cloudy, calm, and 70's The bike ride across the continent is now finished. The official Adventure Cycle Northern Tier route eastern end point is the town pier in Bar Harbor. The route followed…
Amigos en Accion

Amigos en Acción April 2019 Update

Amigos en Acción has been off to a great start this year, and we have so much that we would like to share with you! First, since we haven’t done it yet, we would like to give you a bit of a recap of 2018. It was a fabulous year in the program,…


Dearest friends of the Widows of India, We share this update to inform you of the latest happenings for the widows in South India, with deepest gratitude in our hearts for all your support, without which none of the following events would…

Child Sponsorship Program, December 2018

“Without education, we would be on the street. We don’t know where we would be.” As I sat across the table from two of our college students in Dar es Salaam earlier this year, I had to make sure my sips of coffee were strategically timed!…

Lake Eyasi, 2018-19

So much is happening and the need is so large it is hard to contain it in a few paragraphs. May 2018 saw 10 of us on the ground again. While there we worked a remote bush community medical clinic, built 3 houses, started a micro loan program…

Jhule Update

I went to Jhule today in Nepal. Amazing story strating in 1979 when a Nepal girl was given to a passing French expedition. Fast forward past the times when you could only walk t this village, a reuniting of the daughter with family, earthquake…

Political Instability in Nicaragua

Update on 2 Wheels Projects: Due to the political instability in Nicaragua that started in April of 2018 and still continues, we have had to suspend the project. The Co-founder, Alejandro Solano, now resides in Costa Rica with refugee status.…

4Walls Update

Quiet lives have been disrupted but the 4Walls Project continues building houses in Nicaragua. Conflicts between competing interests have created serious political strife in Nicaragua since April 2018. The situation grew severe enough…
Finished projects!
One of our beautiful ladies in Om Shanthi!

Drought in India - The Widows of India Need Our Help

Sad news from the Widows of India from Anna, but we can help! They are experiencing a terrible drought and need $3,000 to help raise the funds to bring water to women who desperately need it. Please read the story below. To help now, donate…
Keira Donnelly

Keira Donnelly — 4Walls Student Ambassador

Meet Keira Donnelly, who just got back from her first trip El Sauce. Keira is 13 and will enter 8th grade at Allendale Columbia in September. While in Nicaragua, Keira commented that she hadn’t understood much about the trip before leaving Rochester. “Yeah, I knew we were going to build a house, but I wasn’t sure how it would work. I didn’t know how much we would get to know the family. I didn’t understand how emotional it would be,” she said. “I wish I had known more.”
Ghandi Mathi

4Walls First Student Learning Trip to El Sauce

We love this video/music montage of the latest 4Walls trip. The videographer is Gwen, a Keuka College student who travelled in January on Keuka's first student learning trip. She captured the building time in El Sauce, as well as some R&R time in the colonial city of León and at the Pacific beach called Las Peñitas.

Lightness Women’s Homes In Africa April 2017 Update

Imagine yourself dancing alongside local tribal women to a deep, resonating drumbeat until sweat is pouring off you. These are the same women you have sat with on the tarp to pick out pieces of rice, stirred porridge over the fire, held their babies and sat in their smoky mud and wattle houses. The women encourage you to jump alongside with them in the dance steps. Finally, you need to sit down. In February 8 of us spent almost 2 weeks with Lightness and her projects. We painted the walls and dug foundations for 3 houses to replace the fallen, mud hut, these single women of 4 to 6 children live in. It is not really possible I think to understand what these houses mean to these mom’s.
Sarahda happy to be in her new home.

Sarahda - Widows of India

We found Sarahda, having been dumped at the main road in Tiruvannamalai. She could not walk, and spoke the language of Kerala. She told us she was waiting for her family to pick her up again, which they promised, when they left her.
4 Walls

4 Walls @ Imagine RIT

The 4Walls Project will be part of this year’s Imagine RIT. Imagine RIT showcases the most innovative and creative projects of RIT students, including their project to create roofs for 4Walls houses.

Plant seeds of hope for Mother's Day

I was fascinated to discover recently that the roots of the modern Mother’s Day celebration lie in the battle cries of early peace activists and public health pioneers who saw motherhood as a healing force that could transform sick communities…

Lightness Women's Homes Update December '16

There was huge excitement 2 weeks ago in the small village near Lake Eyasi, Tanzania.  Several trucks loaded with bricks arrived and the first of hopefully many houses had their foundation laid. In February, 2017,  a group of 7 volunteers…

December 12, 2016

This month it was very exciting as the septic which was hand dug (took a few months) had water from the well pumped into it to test.  Huge, huge deal. No other houses in the area have septic.  This hygienic addition to the project helps protect…

Meghan's Story

Why I was inspired My name is Meghan Haslam. I came to El Sauce, Nicaragua in November of 2006 as an Environmental Education Peace Corps Volunteer. The inspiration for the 4 Walls Project stems from an encounter with a young man named…

Meet Anna Etter Founder Widows of India project

Dear Friends, A number of you have expressed the desire to meet Anna Etter, and to learn more about the Widows of India project which she single-handedly founded in 2008. Come and hear of this current, true-to-life happening which will…

Child Sponsorship Program - Special update as of September 2013

In September 2013, we celebrated our first five Standard VII graduates. These hardworking students are presently enrolled in secondary schools in and outside of Karatu and continue to excel due to their hard work and commitment to learning--skills…

Child Sponsorship Program Special Updates as of June 2012: Elizabeth returns to Tanzania and the Water Well at Tumaini is complete!

JOS Volunteer and Project Manager of the Child Sponsorship Program, has joined Tanzania Education Corporation (TEC) , as Program Director and International Volunteer Coordinator. Boston-based TEC was established to provide…