Yusuf’s Usangi Projects
Yusuf’s home village is in the Pare Hills. The town there is named Usangi. Yusuf has his family home and land located there. It is a beautiful area about 2 hours’ drive from Moshi. Yusuf wants to continue his legacy by helping support the people of his village. He will be managing several projects over the next few years.
Dorm and Bathroom for Girls
Currently girls have to travel to and from school. It is dangerous for them to have walk the up to 6 miles each way, especially in the dark. Sexual assault is common in rural areas. The secondary school has converted two classrooms into dorms where 45 girls sleep each night. The only place to wash is in the bathroom which only has a toilet. This also takes up classroom space, which limits how many students the school can accommodate. Building the dorms will not only improve life for the current boarding students, it will also allow for more students to be educated.
Bathroom Phase 1
Build a bathroom so the girls can have a place to wash. They presently have to wash in the same room as the toilet, which is very inconvenient, unsanitary, and only allows a few girls at a time to wash and get dressed.
Dorm Phase 2
Build two dorms so the girls have a place to sleep that is not the classroom. This will allow the girls to have an appropriate room with bunk-beds to sleep in. It also frees back up the classroom for more education. We will have the beds made in the village as a way to support the local economy.
Vocational School Phase 3
Yusuf would like to build a vocational school so that the girls can learn skills that will allow them to earn income and break the poverty cycle. He will donate his land for this building.
You can assist by donating to help Yusuf gain the funds necessary for these projects. It is entirely funded by people like you to change the lives of the girls and keep them safe. Yusuf is really excited to have this chance to help others break out of the poverty he grew up in.
You can also come with us in the future as we stay in Yusuf’s home in the hills near the village and assist in building and working with the students at the school.